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捕获 球状星团 红背蜘蛛 暗质量
Dark Matter Halos: Assembly, Clustering and Sub-halo Accretion
Dark matter Galaxy formation Halos
I carried out systematic studies on the assembly history of dark matter halos, using numerical simulations and semi-analytical methods. First, I look into dark halo mass assembly history. I confirmed ...
星际介质 HI壳层 HI空洞 形成机制
Time dependent embedding of spherically symmetric Rindler spacetime
anisotropic cosmic fluid MS energy curved Rindler ric heat flux
An anisotropic cosmic fluid with radial heat flux which sources a time dependent Rindler geometry is investigated. Even though its energy density $\rho$ is positive, the radial and transversal pressur...
The effect of feedback on the emission properties of the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium
feedback emission properties the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium
At present, 30-40 per cent of the baryons in the local Universe is still undetected. According to theoretical predictions, this gas should reside in filaments filling the large-scale structure (LSS) i...
Ultra deep sub-kpc view of nearby massive compact galaxies
Gemini North telescope Ultra deep sub-kpc view massive compact galaxies
Using Gemini North telescope ultra deep and high resolution (sub-kpc) K-band adaptive optics imaging of a sample of 4 nearby (z~0.15) massive (~10^{11}M_{sun}) compact (R<1.5 kpc) galaxies, we have ex...
An Anomaly in the Angular Distribution of Quasar Magnitudes: Evidence for a Bubble Universe with a Mass ~10^21 M\odot
Anomaly Angular Distribution Quasar Magnitudes Bubble Universe Mass
Quasars provide our farthest-reaching view of the Universe. The Sloan Survey now contains over 100,000 quasar candidates. A careful look at the angular distribution of quasar magnitudes shows a surpri...
Faint Extended OH Emission from the Local Interstellar Medium in the Direction l \approx 108\circ, b \approx 5\circ
OH Emission Local Interstellar Medium Cosmology and Extragalactic Astrophysics
We have mapped faint 1667 OH line emission (TA \approx 20 - 40 mK in our \approx 30' beam) along many lines of sight in the Galaxy covering an area of \approx 4\circ \times 4\circ in the general direc...
Environmental Effects on the Metal Enrichment of Low Mass Galaxies in Nearby Clusters
Environmental Effects the Metal Enrichment Low Mass Galaxies Nearby Clusters
In this paper we study the chemical history of low-mass star-forming (SF) galaxies in the local Universe clusters Coma, A1367, A779, and A634. The aim of this work is to search for the imprint of the ...
Constraining dynamical dark energy with a divergence-free parametrization in the presence of spatial curvature and massive neutrinos
Constraining dynamical dark energy divergence-free parametrization presence spatial curvature massive neutrinos
In this paper, we report the results of constraining the dynamical dark energy with a divergence-free parameterization, $w(z) = w_{0} + w_{a}(\frac{\ln(2+z)}{1+z}-\ln2)$, in the presence of spatial cu...
Merger induced scatter and bias in the cluster mass - Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect scaling relation
cosmology: large-scale structure of Universe, galaxies: clusters: general, meth- ods: N-body simulations
We examine sources of scatter in scaling relations between galaxy cluster mass and thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect using cluster samples extracted from cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. O...
Spatially-Resolved Spectroscopy of SDSS J0952+2552: a Confirmed Dual AGN
Spectroscopy SDSS J0952+2552: Confirmed Dual AGN
Most massive galaxies contain supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in their cores. When galaxies merge, gas is driven to nuclear regions and can accrete onto the central black hole. Thus one expects to se...
Accurate relative spectrophotometry is critical for many science applications. Small wavelength scale residuals in the flux calibration can significantly impact the measurements of weak emission and a...