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冷中子成像 中子荧光屏 毛细玻璃管阵列

自然·科学报告 光 复旦大学
发光玻璃 LED芯片 激发波长 带宽
采用双高斯函数拟合不同中心波长和带宽的LED芯片光谱,并根据荧光分光光度计的测量结果推算不同LED芯片激发下的Ce/Tb/Eu共掺发光玻璃的发射光谱和色温。结果表明,当芯片带宽不变,中心波长从370 nm右移到378 nm时,Ce/Tb/Eu共掺发光玻璃色温逐渐下降。当芯片中心波长不变,带宽从10 nm增加到25 nm时,Ce/Tb/Eu共掺发光玻璃的色温变化与中心波长有关。在芯片发光稳定的前提下...
利用简单的高温固相法合成稀土离子掺杂的NaLn4-x(SiO4)3F:xRE3+(Ln=La, Gd; RE=Tb, Dy, Sm, Tm)系列荧光粉,利用X射线粉末衍射仪和荧光分光光度计分别测试其物相结构和荧光性能。结果表明,所合成样品均为纯的六方晶系结构,在紫外光激发下所合成样品均表现出所掺杂稀土离子的f-f特征能级跃迁,Tb3+、Dy3+、Sm3+和Tm3+等激活离子分别发出蓝绿色、白色、橙...
The local Tb theorem with rough test functions
local Tb theorem test functions Classical Analysis and ODEs
We prove a version of the local Tb theorem under minimal integrability assumptions, answering a question of S. Hofmann (El Escorial, 2008): Every cube is assumed to support two non-degenerate function...
Recording Characteristics of (Dy,Tb)FeCo disks were studied.'Anisotropy dispersion' of rare earth constituents such as Gd,Tb,and Dy qualitatively accounts for domain wall mobility and domain size.Resu...
The required bias field of a sperimagnetic film is governed by a finite exchange coupling coefficient ~l! mainly determined by the subnetwork coupling. From the study of a series of ~Dy,Tb!FeCo films ...
Exchange coupling coefficient and domain wall mobility of (Dy,Tb)FeCo magneto-optical films
The magnetic properties and recording characteristics of ~Dy,Tb!FeCo films are dependent upon the anisotropy dispersion of rare earth constituents and the exchange integral between rare earth and tran...
Complete and incomplete fusion cross sections for $^{6}$Li+$^{159}$Tb have been measured at energies around the Coulomb barrier by the $\gamma$-ray method. The measurements show that the complete fusi...
The Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria is a leading force in the fight against HIV. It is also a key opportunity to ensure that sexual and reproductive health is addressed in HIV programmes and...
In the setting of spaces of homogeneous type, we give a direct proof of the local Tb theorem for singular integral operators. Motivated by questions of S. Hofmann, we extend it to the case when the i...
In this paper, local Tb theorems are studied both in the doubling and non-doubling situation. We prove a local Tb theorem for the class of upper doubling measures. With such general measures, scale i...
稀土 配合物 电致发光
合成了一类新型稀土配合物Tb(BA)3phen,将其掺杂到导电聚合物PVK中获得了纯正、明亮的绿光发射。用这种搀杂体系分别制作了单层发光器件和双层器件。对于单层器件,掺杂浓度为1∶5,甩膜转速1 000 r·min-1时器件的发光效果最好,起亮电压为10 V,最大亮度在21 V时可达26.8 cd·m-2。双层器件用AlQ作为电子传输层,通过改变其厚度得到了发光性能较好的用AlQ作为电子传输材料的...
以铜试剂(NaEt2dtc•3H2O)和邻菲咯啉(o-phen•H2O) 与水合氯化铽(TbCl3•3.75H2O)在无水乙醇中制得了三元固态配合物.化学分析和元素分析确定其组成为Tb(Et2dtc)3(phen).IR光谱研究表明配合物中Tb3+与NaEt2dtc中的硫原子双齿配位,同时与phen的氮原子双齿配位.用Calvet微热量计测定了298.15 K下...
采用高温固相反应法合成了掺杂Eu3+及Tb3+的17MO-7.88Y2O3-75B2O3样品,研究了它们的光谱特性,结果表明,MO-Y2O3-B2O3基质在真空紫外(VUV)区有很强的吸收,MgO-Y2O3-B2O3:Eu在147 nm真空紫外光激发下产生对应于Eu3+的5D0→7FJ(J=1, 2, 3, 4)跃迁的590和613 nm强发射峰;MgO-Y2O3-B2O3:Eu中Sr的引入使材料...